Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sunday April 14th 2019 Slice of Life day 14

Today I felt like I had no meaning I was a nothing. I went to take a shower and once I got into the warm water I started to think about the talent show and how much I had disappointed my family and friends with my singing. I started crying since you can't see my tears because they blended in with the water. I thought about my fourth grade talent show and how I had only made one tiny mistake and it had haunted me ever since then and I had hated it and I was promising myself to do good and make no mistakes but I made more than ever and I knew that my parents were disappointed. I could see it in their countenances they looked like they regretted letting me participate once we got back and that made me think what should have happened if I hadn't have participated if I wasn't in the talent show. Everything would have probably have gone smoothly because there was an error with my song and it really made me feel like it was a sign that I shouldn't have gone. Another way that the guy I liked was there and I felt like I had embarrassed myself in front of him and my parents and my friends. And my parents notice all of my mistakes so they knew what I did wrong. I felt like a disappointment at that moment and like nobody would ever forgive me and I would be completely destroyed. I kept crying and felt destroyed I soon stopped crying but the only reason for that was because I had to get out of the shower. For the rest of the day I felt useless dead inside like a nothing and the only thing that kept me going was remembering that I had my wonderful friends by my side and that Sweater guy held my hand to make me feel better and that made me feel so much better but what especially made me feel better was that Character 2 told me I did good and I was so happy and that kept me going even though I felt like falling.

Saturday April 13th 2019 Slice of Life day 13

Today wasn't a really fun day I might have watched one or two videos but most of the day I was cleaning. I tried to help my mom with the housework and help out with my brothers. I started by trying to clean out the my little brothers room and sweeping the kitchen. Not only was I cleaning but I was taking care of my brothers at the same time because my parents were resting because they were tired and I was in charge of my brothers. I tried to get them to help but all they did was run around and play. I picked up all the toys from the ground in my brothers room and put them away on the crates, I quickly went one by one and went as fast as possible rushing, my arms felt tired once I was done I felt like laying down on the living room sofa and taking a nap but I still had to sweep so I started sweeping the  all of the corners and small spaces making sure to clean the whole room. Soon my brothers came running into the room and then they ran out I put the broom to the side of the hallway as I was walking through it to get to the living room. I got to the living room and I started to work as quickly as possible, I took the control and turned off the TV so that my brothers wouldn't come by that often. I picked up the pillows and placed them on the edges of the couch like always so it looks nice and organized then once again picked up all the toys and took them to my brothers room. I then sweeped the living room and then went to the kitchen and put away the dishes and cleaned the table once I was mostly done with that I and to clean my room so I had to start by cleaning one section so I started with the closet. I cleaned out the floor my old books and and old clothing.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Friday April 12th 2019 Slice of Life day 12

Today I had social studies and it was kind of fun we made what was called a Rota board it looked like a wheel. We had to decorate it to make it our own with our favorite show or just decorate it with colors signs anything that you would like. I don't watch TV and I was very confused on what I should do so I started with the simple drawing of the outer circle most people used a circle that was already made or something to trace but I did it free hand I tried to make an even cricket that was touching the edge of the paper to make it larger once I thought I had a good cricket I stopped I started working on the inner circle which was smaller and it was much easier since it had the outside line to give as a guides ai traced out the inner circle I noticed it to be directly even to the outer circle and it had to be able to fit smaller circles inside so I had to space it evenly which took a while since I was doing it by hands once I was pleased with how it looked I started to do he main design which was a cross then and x through it. I started sketching a straight line uncentered leaning towards one side more one way more than the  other I then moved on to draw the parallel match to the other line matching up fully and the middle being in the middle of the whole circle. Once I was finished with that main line I started with the line that was crossing through the line I just made that created a plus. I then repeated the process and made a x through the plus making a big star at the center point where all of the lines crossed I tried to make a circle that was able to touch all of the vertices of the lines and made the circle even. I also made a circle at the end of each line between the two circles that is why there had to be space. Once I finished all of the lines and circles I started to correct everything making sure it was all even and all of the shapes were the right size then I started going over it with marker. I took my eraser and erased all of the old pencil line under the marker. Once that was all done my mind went blank I didn't know what to do for my design. I had to really think of a design that was easy and interesting, so I decided to do Greek Gods and Goddesses. I thought it was an easy concept to do and it was colorful and interesting. I was highly encouraged so I looked up some of the symbols for the different gods and I started with the lightning bolt for zeus in the middle of the rota board outlined it erased the pencil lines and colored it in along as I did for the whole wheel of different gods and goddesses along with matching pieces for the board to play with.

Friday April 12th 2019 Slice of Life day 12

Friday, April 26, 2019

Thursday April 11th 2019 Slice of Life day 11

Today was the talent show we had talent show practice and we got to skip block 4 which was P.E. for me today. We stayed until 5pm and practiced then you had the option to stay until the actual talent show or go home and get ready I stayed I changed and stayed there my dad brought me some food for me so I wasn't hungry. Once the show was going to start we had to pass out flyers dying when the performances were going to be when people came in through the door everyone got one. The show started and I was so excited because I LOVED the first performance. The people that were performing was Person which is one of my Robotics buddies and a another person sang with him they sang Shallow, Person played the guitar and sang at the same time. As the talent show continued there were some excellent performances and some that were that good and I soon arrived at my turn I was nervous but excited. All of the people that participated in the talent show were sitting in the front left of the cafeteria. Before I had my turn I asked for a switch of microphones so once I stood up another person stood up to change the microphone but the principal came up and said that is was fine as it is they announced my name and I went up the stairs. I sang the song set fire to the rain unfortunately I messed up a lot of times most of my mistakes weren't noticed by the crowd but they were definitely noticed by my mom and dad. Once I ended there were applauding and I walked off the sage I sat back down and thoughts came into my head I had messed up so many times and my parents notice everything they are going to hate me and get so mad about it. I started crying I wanted to watch the rest of the talent show in peace but my emotions were taking over me and making me feel worse about myself. Some of my friends were comforting me but what really made me feel better is when sweater guy tired around and asked me if I was okay and why I was crying he told me that it was going to be okay and held my hand with a smirk on his face and a tight grip that is what really made me feel better and I was really glad he did that because it really made me feel like I was going to survive through the day even though I could still feel the tears running down my face they started to fade away and gave he hope instead of sorrow.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Wednesday April 10th Slice of Life day 10

Today we had our first day of what used to be called PARCC but now is called IAR testing. In my school we have blocked that depend on what class you have block 1,2 and 3 then 4 is exploratory. Usually during testing we have a weird schedule instead of having 90 minute classes the classes are cut short and the schedule is a little messed up and we all expected a different schedule but not this different. The day started off normal well sort of as normal as a testing day can be. We did out test which took around 2 hours, then we we went to our block 1 in my case it's math. I was thinking about how different the schedule was gonna be different as I sat down and then I remembered that I had talent show practice so I was going to miss a couple of blocks. I was automatically excited. As we got settled we did out IAR practice slides on classkick then the announcements came on “Teachers a email was sent regarding the water issue please check your email and part 2 will be sent soon” the teachers stop to explain that the water was off so we can't go to use the bathroom. Soon another announcement came on that all students had to head to their exels. We had a extremely short 1st block today but why? Once we got to our exels our exels teachers started to say how since there was no water it was unsanitary to be in the building so we were going to have our lunch as early as possible and in our classroom instead of the lunchroom and if this became a bigger issue we would head to the YMCA or we would have to leave early from school all together. We waited a while on our exels because 7th grade was getting their lunch first. Once we were getting called down we thought we were getting our lunch and going back to class but we actually stayed in the lunchroom and ate there once we finished we were sent back to our our exels to see if we got news about staying in school. We got the news we were staying in school we were sent to block 2 which was in my exel room Social Studies I set up all of my supplies and organized them. Class started shortly and once we got our assignment I was scammed by the teacher and I thought I had gotten in trouble but my teacher told me that I had to go to the band room for talent show practice. I packed up my things and left the room full of awkwardness. I dropped off all of my belongings at my locker and only took my Ipad once I got there I was chosen to got tell the people in other classrooms that they had to go to the practice. Practice was amazing seeing all the wonderful acts and singing was great the time passed quickly once we were directed to go back to class there was only a couple of minutes left in the whole school day so once we returned to class we had 2 minutes in class which was enough for the teacher to explain the project we had to do then we left. School was really wierd that day especially since all of the clubs were cancelled I was actually able to sing the song I was going to do for the talent show and they enjoyed it but today was pretty awesome and confusing.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Tuesday April 9th 2019 Slice of Life day 9

Today nothing really happened but I know something I was thinking about throughout the whole day. So thought all last week which was spring break I went on a series of field trips with Youth Crossroads and it was so much fun. But there was a major reason for that and that was that one of my friends were there for almost all of the field trips. Let's call him “Guy that touches Everything” you'll get it soon. So we had a bowling trip that he didn't go to but it was still fun and that got me thinking what would have happened if he went I thought that maybe he would have really helped me out. So the first field trip we went to together was to the movie theaters and I had this friend that used to like him and she got a boyfriend, my friend Clara (not her real name) was also there and she also knew about it and what we thought about was that he lost an opportunity so we kept telling him that it was okay and he was going to be fine but he wasn't informed about what we were talking about so he was confused through the whole trip and he thought I was trying to flirt with him ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ I don't know why but oh well. So on the second field trip we went in the youth van and we were all to together and we were going to a forest preserve. Well that was extremely fun and we did pass by each other a lot and we talked and talked and talked and we ended up talking a lot by lunch then once we were on the ride back we played a game of would you rather and it was very entertaining seeing everyones answers. After that day on Saturday we had our final spring break field trip to the museum of science and industry. There was a special robot exhibit and I was very interested in it since I was in VEX this year (sadly it already ended) and I kept paying close attention to how the robots moved how they were built and the cortex design. He kept coming back to me and asking why I was so interested. We were in a group together and it was only us and coordinators and we went through all of the museum talking and what I discovered is that he touched EVERYTHING every door he saw he tried to open it. At lunch we were talking about how the technology has grown and how the modern technology is changing. After all of those field trips my friend asked about what I did that weekend and she was the one that used to like him. I asked her if she still liked him because she seemed like she did once she saw a picture me and *the guy who touches Everything” she seemed to have so many questions. So what I told her was that we were together for most of spring break we went to the movies a forest preserve and a museum I just didn't say that it was for a field trip and she thought we were dating and that was mainly why I was thinking about this because I didn't know what to think say respond or pretty much anything.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Monday April 8th 2019 Slice of Life day 8

Matt Whilhelm Assembly

Today we had an assembly. I thought it was probably Perfect attendance of March because we had just come back from spring break. Surprisingly enough when they started calling classes down they didn’t start with perfect attendance student they started with eighth grade classes then seventh then finally sixth. Once they called us down we went down to the gym and we made a big racha get space. I saw speakers and what looked to be posters once we were all seated the principal went to the middle of the rectangle in the far back and announced to the microphone that we should all quiet down and welcome our special guest-  WAIT A SPECIAL GUEST SO WE DON'T HAVE TO GO THROUGH A AWARDS AND ALL OF THOSE ANNOUNCEMENTS!! YESSSSSSSSSS! That was my joyful moment anyways I must’ve zoned out cause I kinda didn’t hear the name but I was so excited that we had a guest and we didn’t have have growth mindset rewards. Then the special guest came out, he looked familiar to me… (light bulb lights up) it’s the guy that does cool stuff on his bike, like really cool bike tricks. He came in with a small bike and he started riding it he had a microphone that he didn’t have to hold so he could talk while dunking his tricks. He started by telling us how he was as a child and how he broke six of his bones but that’s not what hurt him the most he said that what really hurt was getting bullied as a kid and that he needed a Superman to save him and to tell all of the bullies to back off.

Monday, April 22, 2019

April 7th 2019 Slice of Life day 7

Today was nothing major I woke up turned my light on and walked over to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and reached my right hand across to get my tooth brush. I slid it out of its slot then I turned on the hot water and ran my had trough the water felt until it warmed up just a bit and then took my other hand and put my toothbrush under the water and ran through the bristles. I got the toothpaste and felt the smooth tube with a couple creases. I ran my hand through the tube of toothpaste then felt the Ripples of the cap and I twisted my fingers opening the toothpaste. I wrapped my fingers  around the cap and placed it on the side of the sink I take the tube of toothpaste and squeeze it from the top just a slight bit of force and a small  blob of thick blue paste. I took my toothbrush and balanced it on my thumb and pointer then with the rest of my fingers I took the cap and twisted it on the toothpaste and closed it. Then I went ahead and brushed my my teeth like normal.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April 6th 2019 Slice of Life day 6

 I woke up it the morning like any other Saturday at 8:00am my brother was already awake and he went to my room and he asked me if I could make him some breakfast, so I stood up and I rubbed my eyes I could hear my brother jumping in joy I sat up and stood up. I went towards th kitchen and opened the fridge there was almost nothing to eat but then I remembered that before going to Eloise’s house we had bought waffles and raspberries. I closed the fridge opened the freezer I looked through everything and saw the waffles I reached my hand in the cold chilly freezer took the bag of sausages that was on to of the waffles and grabbed the bag by the top I pulled it out then carefully got the freezer door and slightly kicked it with my left foot and let go of it with my left hand and took out the waffles then quickly set them down on the table and slid the bag of sausages into the freezer. I turned around and closed the freezer door and opened the fridge door I then took out the raspberries and the butter then I set them on the table and closed the door. I walked towards the mini oven and cleared everything that was there I put the dishes away and cleared the towels and finally I took my moms computer ๐Ÿ’ป and took it to the living room I then returned and took the waffles out of the box and took out the bag. The bag wasn’t fully sealed so I pulled it open and took out two waffles and placed them on to of the packaging I turned around to the mini oven and looked at it. I checked that it was connected and took out the small rectangular tin tray. I placed it on top of the mini oven and then I took the waffles and placed them both inside the mini oven closed the glass door and turned the setting to dark. I took the raspberries that were on the table and I opened the lid I turned the faucet on and rinsed them in a small amount of raspberries at a time until I got to the bottoms then I opened the cabinet door and took out a small bowl and I rinsed all of the raspberries together once more and then drained all the water from the bowl. Then I heard a ding I looked over to the mini microwave and the waffles were ready. I reach over to the cabinet again and I get two plates one for me and one for my younger brother. I quickly took out a butter knife and opened the butter I spread the butter on the waffle through the dents and creases. When I finished spreading the butter I took some raspberries and placed them on top of the waffles usually four to five raspberries. I took the plates with the waffles and set them on the table where me and my brother sit on the edge of the table I went to the edge cabinet by the stove and took out the syrup and placed it on the table and closed the cabinet I opened the cap of the syrup and poured some on my brothers waffle he raced over and started eating his waffle and then I sat down and poured some on my waffle and started eating my waffle.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

April 5th 2019 Slice of Life day 5

Today I had a field trip to go clean up a forest preserve and I was very excited I was with Youth Crossroads there had been Field trips all week except Wednesday and Thursday. As we arrived at the Forest Preserve we were trying to help clean up we got our Jackets on left our bags and lunch inside the Van and one by one got out. A guy named George came and showed us the supplies we were going to be using and what we were going to do. Our first Direction was to get some gloves and Goggles ๐Ÿฅฝ to protect our face. Then we were directed to the main forest George told us to be careful the main reason that people get injured is because of tripping. I looked at the Forest floor ir was full with orange yellow and red leaves. There where a couple of spots that you could see the the moist dirt and mud. There were sticks and broken trees. We were stepping into the forest as I stepped in my feet fell into the mud once I stepped out of the mud I felt it sticking on my shoe and I could feel bran her hitting my legs. As I walked through the forest I could feel logs on the ground that were covered by mud and leaves I could feel the unevenness throughout the forest we walked through. We ended up stopping by a small pre-made fire all we had to to was add wood to make it a bit larger. They told us to stay away from the smoke we all picked some small sticks and threw them in the fire. I could feel the warmth as it got larger.

April 4th 2019 Slice of Life day 4

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April 3rd 2019 Day 3 Slice of Life

It’s the morning and me and my mom are having a argument about what we should have for breakfast and as we drive past by Rad Robin and then my mom saw Chick Fil A and my mom looked at me through the mirror and asked if I wanted to try out Chick Fil A as I thought about it I tilted my head slightly up and down and started nodding. My mom took a sharp turn to the left and got into the Chick Fil A Parking she quickly said what about we eat here I once again nodded and my mom ever see and parked she pulled the lever down from drive to park and we took our seatbelts off. We got out of the car and started walking towards the restaurant we went inside as I looked at the structural design and decoration my mom looked directly at the menu as I also turned to look. My mom tilted her head towards me and asked what I wanted to eat I thought about it for a second and then looked at the menu again then I got a sausage egg and cheese muffin with orange juice for the drink and my mom got the Breakfast Burrito and a Coffee for the drink they got a thin and tall purple container with our  receipt inside the worker gave me my orange juice and my mom her coffee. We slowly turned around looked around and started walking towards a table and and then we sat down. My mom asked me if I had seen any cream or sugar hasn’t seen any so she stood up went up to the counter again and asked about the creams and sugars. As waited I looked around and spotted a poster that said:

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

April 2nd 2019 Day 2 Slice of Life

Today I had a field trip and it was to the movies. The movie theater is in the mall so most people sneak in snacks, and well we had a one hour wait and there was a five below right in front of the movie theater. Me an my friend Mira thought it would be a good Idea to get chips for the wait. So we raced towards five bellow we, ran past the t-shirt cart, up the stairs as the air went through our hair and hit pour face we reached Five Below and went inside. Once we were in we were thrilled with excitement. We went directly to the chips, section we were both a little out of breath and we were undecided on what we were going to get but we looked thoroughly through the chips and selected a plethora of the ones we wanted. We looked closely at the back the calories and the price once we looked at the price we had narrowed it down to our one bag that we wanted or two at that moment I heard a familiar voice and loud footsteps coming our way at that moment I turned around I saw one of the field trip instructors standing there. I didn't know what to think if she was going to get us in trouble or join us but once she opened her mouth she only says to hurry up and get what we were gonna get. That moment I felt a wave of relief go over me I got my flaming hot Fries and headed off to the register. Once I paid my friend paid she gave me her change and we ran back to the Food Court.

Monday, April 8, 2019

April 1st 2019 (Slice of Life) Day 1

I just want to quickly apologize for not posting for such a long time but I have decided to post everyday for the month of April for the Slice of life Challenge

As April finally starts April fools comes to play. After a long day I went in my room and sat down on my bed. Even though almost the whole day was over I wanted to prank my friends I laid down and looked at the ceiling trying to think of good ideas to prank my friends. I thought about what had been said to me at school. I always thought I had my friends and we all had our similarities and differences, but, lately our difference are tearing us apart. This is mainly being emphasized through the kind of phone you have the brand how new it is. Everyone is saying that that if you don’t have an IPhone your poor, out of the group, or not their friend. I thought I would tell them I got an IPhone show them my friends box and IPhone. Then I noticed how plain and how clean the paint is on my ceiling, that really made me think this wouldn’t really be a good prank if I didn’t ruin the phone. As I stared at the ceiling it reminded me of a fully new screen with no cracks or scratches. I though about what my friends reaction would be if I cracked it when I had just bought it, so I had finally had my prank for the day and I was excited to try it and see their reaction.

When I had a pretty simple outline to follow but once I started to do it it became very difficult so I decided I would only do it tone person. As I was looking at my master plan and my materials the more I gazed off into space thinking what the consequences of this prank would be, but I knew they would pick up on my trying to make my point but what was my point exactly? Well I wanted everyone to see how much IPhones are said to be so important and how it’s affecting our society. The more I really thought about what I could make people notice how pushy people are about brands and small details I convinced myself even more. I got my friends IPhone and I took a picture of it with the box and sent it and captioned it that I had gotten an I phone, and some of my friends were like that’s great good for you and then I got my old cracked phone took a picture of it then made a sticker on Snapchat, and then I took a picture of the IPhone and I went through Snapchat edited it and added the cracked screen sticker and added a caption saying I accidentally dropped it I don’t think it repairable. The responses I got were: Your so irresponsible, waste of money non trustworthy, and some were less rude: it’s okay it happens, same happened to me, let’s hope it still works. The main person that I sent it to just was like oh that’s sad and once I posted the April fools day post everyone just sent the ๐Ÿ˜’ emoji.

New school year New Rules

 Yes, I'm back. By back I mean back to school the most magical place on earth that makes us all feel well happy. Sadly this year we aren...