Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Posing Schedule update

SO. I know that I’ve been lacking Chapters. And the reason for that is because I don't have to use blogger anymore so I forget so what I am going to try to do is keep planners with all of my assignments including blogger. My objective is to post at least once a week. Every 3 weeks her will just be an update on my life because I keen to find a way to vent out because I hate talking to people about my problems (my favorite teacher knows I feel very stressed so this is for her)  I feel weird and awkward. My life is currently really crazy and lonely so I’m going to just update the readers on my current state of mind and it I made any mistakes how I will fix them or what I will do if it happened again. THANK YOU FOR READING and keeping up with my crazy schedule that I am trying to rearrange. (And to Ms.H [real name hidden because i felt like it] I am sorry for being the dramatic person I was and am I just explode or overflow sometimes {this is also for the other people that still read this})

New school year New Rules

 Yes, I'm back. By back I mean back to school the most magical place on earth that makes us all feel well happy. Sadly this year we aren...