Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Saturday April 13th 2019 Slice of Life day 13

Today wasn't a really fun day I might have watched one or two videos but most of the day I was cleaning. I tried to help my mom with the housework and help out with my brothers. I started by trying to clean out the my little brothers room and sweeping the kitchen. Not only was I cleaning but I was taking care of my brothers at the same time because my parents were resting because they were tired and I was in charge of my brothers. I tried to get them to help but all they did was run around and play. I picked up all the toys from the ground in my brothers room and put them away on the crates, I quickly went one by one and went as fast as possible rushing, my arms felt tired once I was done I felt like laying down on the living room sofa and taking a nap but I still had to sweep so I started sweeping the  all of the corners and small spaces making sure to clean the whole room. Soon my brothers came running into the room and then they ran out I put the broom to the side of the hallway as I was walking through it to get to the living room. I got to the living room and I started to work as quickly as possible, I took the control and turned off the TV so that my brothers wouldn't come by that often. I picked up the pillows and placed them on the edges of the couch like always so it looks nice and organized then once again picked up all the toys and took them to my brothers room. I then sweeped the living room and then went to the kitchen and put away the dishes and cleaned the table once I was mostly done with that I and to clean my room so I had to start by cleaning one section so I started with the closet. I cleaned out the floor my old books and and old clothing.

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