Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sunday April 14th 2019 Slice of Life day 14

Today I felt like I had no meaning I was a nothing. I went to take a shower and once I got into the warm water I started to think about the talent show and how much I had disappointed my family and friends with my singing. I started crying since you can't see my tears because they blended in with the water. I thought about my fourth grade talent show and how I had only made one tiny mistake and it had haunted me ever since then and I had hated it and I was promising myself to do good and make no mistakes but I made more than ever and I knew that my parents were disappointed. I could see it in their countenances they looked like they regretted letting me participate once we got back and that made me think what should have happened if I hadn't have participated if I wasn't in the talent show. Everything would have probably have gone smoothly because there was an error with my song and it really made me feel like it was a sign that I shouldn't have gone. Another way that the guy I liked was there and I felt like I had embarrassed myself in front of him and my parents and my friends. And my parents notice all of my mistakes so they knew what I did wrong. I felt like a disappointment at that moment and like nobody would ever forgive me and I would be completely destroyed. I kept crying and felt destroyed I soon stopped crying but the only reason for that was because I had to get out of the shower. For the rest of the day I felt useless dead inside like a nothing and the only thing that kept me going was remembering that I had my wonderful friends by my side and that Sweater guy held my hand to make me feel better and that made me feel so much better but what especially made me feel better was that Character 2 told me I did good and I was so happy and that kept me going even though I felt like falling.

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