Sunday, June 30, 2019

A Quick Note

So I know that I had the longest story last blog and nobody is probably reading this anymore because  I have also have been missing for a while but that was all for a very important reason called  SUMMER VACATION! Well only the beggining of it because the first three weeks to be exact and I have been enjoying it with my family in mexico it was pretty awesom and fun and I will be writting a shortish (not really) story about it but I wont post it like last tim I will post them in parts and sort of chapters or days I am still not sure how I will be maneging that and orginizing that. I have already written the beggining and the intro but I am extreamly excited to post and see everybodys reactions. I hope that everyone that is reading this also reads my story too, and well keep updated to read my firs three weeks of summer. Also dont forget to have a GREAT summer.

New school year New Rules

 Yes, I'm back. By back I mean back to school the most magical place on earth that makes us all feel well happy. Sadly this year we aren...