Sunday, May 5, 2019

Thursday April 18 2019 Slice of Life day 18

Today was the dance and I wanted to help out but since had forgotten to ask the principal or vice principal so during ELA we were able to watch a movie so while we were watching I decided that I was going to send her the email letting them know I wanted to help out in any way possible. They didn’t respond but once I got out of class my social Justice teacher came up to me and told me that I could help out and that was because she was the coordinator of the dance. I was so excited because in my past experience it was extremely fun helping out with the dance and I was honored that they let me help out. After school we hat to meet in the social Justice and I was so excited but also a bit confused. Once I went in I saw other students and there were a lot and so I thought maybe there was a club that was funding the dance and it wasn’t just people volunteering. I looked around at the people and put my stuff down and sat down in a seat. The teacher started giving jet the different snacks that we were going to sell and tells us to give them all different prices to sell at the dance, she also told us to give the wrist bands and glow sticks prices. We had decided on all the prices it was time to divide into teams one for preparing outside the entrance, the cafeteria, and to prepare the jobs in the classroom.  I prepared the jobs my job was to put the little connector on the glow in the dark bracelets. The hardest part is not breaking them while putting them on. Once we finished setting those up and the entrance was decorated everyone that was participating came in and wrote down when they wanted to participate in their shifts. We got the shifts all set up and all we needed it to really set everything up everything was all completely decorated but not set up so we brought the selling signs and the wristbands the glow sticks and the box to to pay. We got all of the outside set up and we had gotten the cafeteria decorated we were just waiting until the DJ was done setting up and until it was five to let people in. Once five came around I was excited happy and proud.

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