Monday, October 22, 2018

Narrative Ideas

I have a School assignment and I need to write a narrative but what should it be about?
 I have some ideas I will write a little about each

  1. Going to navy Pier with youth crossroads 
  2. Going to the pool with my cousins
  3. Going bike riding

Going to Navy pier with Youth Crossroads 

On October ninth, 2018 there was no school but I still had a field trip. This was the most fun, crazy, and relaxing field trip ever. I had signed up for Youth Crossroads before school even started and knew it was going to be great. One month in to the program there was an announcement that there was going to be a field trip, I couldn’t wait I turned  in the  permission slip the next day there were only 40 spots for the field trip and 100 students in the program. The day of the field trip I woke up late at eight in the morning this might be early to some people but my school usually starts at 8:15 and we had to be there at 8:10 and I had to wake up at 7:00 because it takes 20 miniutes to get to school. Luckily this field trip was on a no school day and we had to be there at 9:50 and the bus left at 10. I had lots of free time before the field trip and decided to get ready. I had my lunch ready but decided to bring eight dollars if I was interested in anything. I brought my small backpack and had all of the essentials for any emergency. 

Going to the Pool with my cousins

This wasn’t any ordinary day it was still summer vacation and I had the choice to either stay at home with my mom or go to the pool with my cousins. My little brothers were in daycare so I could spent my afternoon with my mom but my cousins inviter my mom and I to go to the pool with them. My mom said that we could go but we might have some thing to do so we would let them know. My mom gave me the choice I immediately said yes. I took forever getting ready not only did I have to change into my swimsuit I had to get a towel, my phone, snacks, and my charger (which I forgot anyway). We went on our way to the park and got there a little late but were still pretty good on time. We didn’t go to any pool we went to a public one it wasn’t just a pool either it had a water playground with a slide. It was five dollars for each adult to get in so my mom paid ten dollars to get in we went trough a passage way that lead to the main water park. I had my swim suit on shorts a tea shirt and gym shoes on. My swim suit was under everything so I didn’t have to go to a changing room. I took of my shirt and my shorts to reaveal my new favorite swimsuit, it had triopical fruits, palm trees, bushes and it was al painted in different shades of pink, blue and purple. I was standing with my mom and she said to go look for my cousins I went and found them they were in the lazy river it was a really fun place to be it was sort of in a eight shape without the crossing. This small “river” was fun to talk and relax on but I raced trough it to catch-up with my cousins.

Going Bike Riding with my family

On a boring weekend my parents decided we were going to go out on a bike ride I was so very excited to go on a bike ride with my little brothers for the first time. One of my little brothers the 5 year old learned how to ride a bike but hadn’t riden his new one before. My other little brother did it know at all. We went on our way to the park my mom had brought snacks in case we got hungry when we got there the first thing I saw was the water park I remembered going there with my cousins but now it was closed. We got out our bikes we only got three on for me and on for each of my little brothers my parents had decided not to bring their bikes because they should have to help my little brothers.

My final narrative choice is Going to the pool with my cousins.

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